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Stuck in a thunderstorm with no light source, no background, and no backup plan: Here’s how I saved

Hi, I’m Fraidy, thanks for dropping by, it’s so good to have you here :)

So, you’ve been getting all these editing tutorials from me… Which I hope you enjoy. But you might be wondering, why bother editing at all?

Well, besides for all the very real impact great edits can have on you, your work, and your business… There’s one simple reason that stands out to me:

It can literally save your back!

Editing has saved my skin more than once… and in today’s video I’m retelling my biggest disaster story along with all the gory details. This is the story of how I got stuck in a thunderstorm with a client who traveled over 3 hours to get to me… with no light source, no backdrop, no backup plan, and no idea on what I was gonna do to fix this…

It should have been a nightmare, but guess what saved me?


So this is the story, here's Jill and a couple of years ago I was doing this really cool motherhood project. I was going to do outdoor pictures with her during golden hour. They were going to be backlit and beautiful, something like these green pictures you see here or like the ones with the magnolia trees. This was during very early spring, kind of still late winter, it wasn't hot yet - it was breezy. Back then I did not have a studio yet so I only shot either outdoors or indoor with natural light. My studio was a tiny room in a small two bedroom apartment. I did not have furniture so I was able to use this as my studio. I had this really cool window that I used as my light source and backdrop.

Now this is what the images should have looked like if I was ever shooting indoors, and it was really beautiful and glowy, a cool indoor look. But I wasn't even going to do this with Jill, we were gonna do a outdoor session in golden hour. Famous last words!

So, Jill came from 2 hours away, thing is she hit massive traffic and the way ended up taking 3 hours. When she was a hour away I checked the weather again and there was this really bad thunderstorm coming in. So I called her up and I said what do u want to do? She said I'm almost there let me get there and we'll figure it out. I was in this tiny space and it was just getting darker and darker and all of the sudden there was this really hot, humid air blowing. I didn't even have my air conditioner installed yet! So when Jill finally arrived with her 3 kids who were in the car for 3 hours, sweaty and with frizzy hair from the humidity, it was dark, thundering and there was no way we could do an outdoor shoot.

I bought her into my house and I was like I don't have an air conditioner, I don't have a backdrop - or a light source um... you want some cold pizza for the kids?

That was really embarrassing, but I couldn't send her home without anything. She had travelled so far to get to me. So I just stuck my head together and I brought out an old lamp. and draped the curtains over it. But as you can see in these pictures the light was harsh and heavy because there's a limit of how much u can control a light that is not meant for photography. She did get some cute pictures but this is not at all the painterly look I had in mind.

But because I knew how to edit I was able to give her something that went from to this!

I was able to take something with awful lighting and color and turn it into something painterly that I was actually proud to show her!

Now, why am I telling you all this?

First of all I never want you to get stuck like I did. The first thing after I did this session was I brought myself a strobe and I wondered, what took me so long to do this? I love natural light but sometimes it could leave you in the lurch because you cant control the sun - or the weather. So if you don't have a strobe yet go out and get yourself one.

Second reason I'm telling you all this is because if you want to learn how to create consistent edits every single time and you want more confidence, consistency, and creative satisfaction from your editing process, you might want to learn the workflow that I use every single time I edit. If you want a full workflow that works with clear steps instead of taking tips from here and there The Editing Bootcamp might be for you.

The Editing Bootcamp isn't open for registration right now, but the good news is that we are putting together a class for winter of 2024 / 2025. I want to give you the opportunity to join the waitlist so that you won't get locked out if it fills up quickly.

I will be telling you all about The Editing Bootcamp in the next couple of weeks and what makes it so amazing, but for now, the waitlist is for those of you who've been waiting for this next class to open up!

And if you’d like to see more photography tips and editing tutorials like this one, make sure you’re subscribed to my email list and follow my stories on Instagram @peppermintphotography.


Bye for now, see you next time!



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